Saturday, March 6, 2010

sebulan sudah berlalu

Kalau bulan lepas..guna tajuk setahun sudah berlalu..kali ni tukar sket jadi sebulan sudah berlalu..;)

hampir sebulan tak jengah blog many things happening that simply stop my attention to visit my own kekawan apatah lagi..

while I noticed that some of my favorite blog dah pun di kunci oleh empunya blog..sangat2 hampa disitu..:(

there's not much changes in life eversince I last currently bz searching for an apartment in KL..not planning to stay but to buy and rent it..if anyone happened to know about somebody yang nak let go property..please let me know ok?

the kids are doing just fine..yang sulung sibuk dengan karenah di kindergarten..and yang bongsu dengan karenah asik nak melekat sepanjang masa..and I think this is one of the reason why I have to pay more attention to her :)

guess that's all for now..till then