Friday, June 13, 2008

My oh my

My 4th time writing in this blog, since anak2 dah tido, and hubby pon blom balik lg, plant trip katanya, so amik kesempatan online jap :) actually tujuan asalnya nak gi sini, but then since no update, I finally visit my own blog to update mcm la boleh nak update blog org lain

Since hr ni off day kan, so asik la berkuntau (curi ayat my ex room-mate hehe) with both kids, yang adik nya tu so far ok la, tak byk kerenah..bgn tido nak susu pastu boleh letak je and don’t hv to pamper her for yg sulung tu pepaham je la ye..kejap2 nak panjat duk atas riba, kejap2 nak dokong, kena plak hr ni dia tercirit, so mmg melayan dia je la adanya..

Tomorrow we are going to hv picnic somewhere at what they called Muara Sungai Kerteh, my own dept punya activiti pon, so hr ni kerja nya asik la masak air je utk cukupkan stok untuk buat air ribena besok..plan to start as early at 8 am..but the actual nya tak tau lah..let’s wait for tomorrow punya outcome ok..till then

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