Monday, December 22, 2008

kisah Histeria

i was in Kuantan GSC Megamall last weekend, tgk Histeria..hehe

in fact, this is consider my first experience tengok wayang dengan anak2..:P

we missed the first show at 3:10 pm, but managed to get 4 tickets for the next show at 5 pm

duduk row no-3 dr depan, agak kurang selesa lah, but better still as compared to those yang duduk in the 1st and 2nd row..:)

arissa was on my lap, whilst afrina was sitting next to me, but since seat to ala2 takle menampung berat afrina, so kaki dia was sort of terangkat sikit ke atas..

both kids was all silence during the show, giving their fullest cooperation..:) arissa lebih byk tido i guess sbb mmg tak nampak muka dia..and afrina sesekali terdengar dia panggil my name, maybe she feel scared tp imaginasi dia kalau2 hantu dlm panggung tu boleh dengar kot so dia tak jadi nangis kuat2..

the story was OK lah..even terasa agak cuak bila audience lebih banyak menjerit bila ada adegan saspen..hantu pon tak jerit macam tu ..after all, paling suka tengok lakonan Scha, she is so adorable and natural..

habis show tepat 6:45 pm, tgk keadaan kat luar still cerah macam biasa..i noticed ada air di kelopak mata afrina, menangis dalam diam agaknya dia dari tadi..

in my conclusion, walaupon Histeria termasuk dalam kategori citer untuk tontonan umum, I still feel that it is not suitable for childrens, so in next, will bring them watching animation movie and see how they react..hehe

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